Saturday, August 07, 2010

Food notes

Baked potatoes is the new family favorite! I do it the most basic way, only thing is I rub the potato with olive oil and sprinkle sea salt on it before baking for a nice long time. Don't forget to prick it in several places with a fork before baking. Tastes delicious as it is but good fillings include boiled chicken mashed with cream cheese and coriander and in our noodle-crazy family try boiled noodles tossed with a few steamed shrimp and broccoli all lightly spiced and seasoned (i used a mix of a dash of cumin, tumeric and dried basil)-- a meal by itself and delicious!


To add real flavor to a regular fried rice add cubed avocado just minutes before you take the fried rice off the heat (I use a mix of vegies like broccoli, mushroom, baby corn, chinese cabbage, snow peas in this fried rice). Delicious.


A new breakfast I enjoy: whole wheat raisin bagel with a handful of walnuts and a hard- boiled egg. Washed down with fresh brewed tea.

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